Wednesday, January 19, 2011

bad blogger

Severely neglected blog in the hizz-ouse! I've been really bad about updating because I have just sooo much to catch up on since Barbados and the holidays. It just seems like a huge task to get posting on this backlog of stuff, and I've been so busy for the past few weeks planning a trip to Vancouver and my birthday party.

BUT! I have been newly inspired. I just got out of a meeting at work where our Digital Director told us about a new agency initiative: get everyone here using digital and social media to explore our passions. It's supposed to help everyone in the agency to really start thinking, and living, in the digital sphere, so that we're more than well-versed when speaking to clients about social media solutions. To encourage us, they'll even donate $100 to each of us towards producing our own content in the digital sphere.

So like, I'm pretty much already there (producing content about my passion, that is)! I just need to make sure I keep at it. Unfortunately, I'm still super busy, but hopefully when I come back from Vancouver I'll have time to catch up on posts, since I'll still have a few days before I return to work.

So, whoever's been checking in on this thang... thanks for your patience! Hope to get some real posts up in the next few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. nice to see you back leianne! i know how intimidating a blog backlog can be - my best advice is do a quick outline of posts, so you can identify where you may be able to combine similar themes or in contrast, to eliminate duplicate content. then just take it one post at a time. hope to see you on twitter soon too!
